Security Concerns Raised Over Safety of Election Observers in Africa

Election observers have raised concerns over their safety and security during the observation of international elections. Africa has a long history of political instability and electoral violence and there are fears that foreign observers could become targets.

As such, election observers play a crucial role in ensuring free and fair elections.

Speaking during the ongoing Election Watch Symposium to discuss challenges and recommendations for safer, more transparent, and credible elections in Africa, Election Support Network of Southern Africa (ESN-SA) Secretariat Rindai Chipfunde emphasized the need to ensure that observers are adequately protected during elections as they remain vulnerable to attacks and threats.

As such, election observers play a crucial role in ensuring free and fair elections.

“This conference is important for improving electoral integrity by bringing together some of Africa’s most experienced electoral integrity experts to address the fundamental challenges around electoral insecurity, disinformation, political finance transparency, inclusivity, and competitiveness of elections – all concerns that the Election Support Network has raised time and again,” Chipfunde said.

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